Thursday, May 13, 2010


I love cupcakes. I discovered this about a year ago while watching Paula Deen make red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. I had to try it for myself and it was a complete success! I’ve been designated as the official cupcake maker in the family and I use every holiday or family event to try out something new. Now that Jay has completed schooling and found a great job, I can move forward with plans to attend a local culinary school and fulfill my dream of being a pastry chef. We have been discussing the idea of opening up a cupcake shop sometime in the next few years and I am finally beginning to see the actual possibility of this. I don’t know nearly enough but I have the talent and that’s a great place to start. Today I got the call i've been waiting for, a friend ordered 70 cupcakes for a surprise party. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time as this is my first real commission. Wish me luck!


  1. I love love loooove! These pics, especially the first one. Seriously it's so adorable and reminds me of Amelie! So fabulous!

  2. Lovely to meet you, thank you for stopping by and following my little blog :) You are a very talented cupcake maker! Mine never turn out that good :(
