Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Don't disturb the beast while he is feeding on the rose


I’ve been gone for a few weeks; hope you all have been enjoying the summer thus far. We made the move into our new home and I do feel quite comfy already. Pippin loves all the extra space and the backyard with all the flying, crawling and squirming creatures. She makes a habit of killing and eating at least one fly a day. So many new things are circling our life right now, it’s all very exciting!

I got my first tattoo on Friday and it was quite the experience. My beautiful, creative friends (and belly dance instructor) Lisa punctured my skin with a needle and various colors to make my tattoo dream come true.

   The horses are from the cover of the My Brightest Diamond Album, Tear It Down. If the name sounds familiar it’s because it is also the name of my blog :) That album had such an impact on me when I was going through a very difficult time with Jay. I’d often go to the local park and smoke a little, write a bit and listen to this album. The quote is “and the gunslinger followed”, which is the first line from my favorite Stephen King series The Dark Tower…the flowers are just a beautiful addition :)  I have a feeling this is the first of many.


Another piece of great news, we will be getting puppy in the coming weeks!!! This is our first doggie together and we are SO excited! We decided to adopt through Fresno Bully Rescue, a local Pit Bull rescue after talking to Lisa about her experience with them and how much she loves her new pit Milly. We have gone through the home inspection and our application was approved! Next step is choosing our new pup from the litter and taking him/her home on the 10th. We are thrilled to say the least.


Hope you enjoy these sunny, warm days. I leave you with this very distinguished photo of our dear one. She is quite handsome.


Friday, June 4, 2010

Pack 'em up and move 'em out

One week into packing and I am exhausted! We move in to our home next weekend and it is a mix of excitement, stress and sadness. Moving into this house also means that my sister and brother-in-law are moving out…moving to Alabama for an entire year for Ryan’s schooling.  :(   They might as well be on the other side of the planet.


I came home to an empty dining room, our table and various other large items have been moved to the new place. That brought it all to the forefront, we are leaving this place that we made a home for the past three years. I’ve only lived in two places my entire life, my childhood home and this apartment. We have gone through so many ups and downs in this place, we lost two of our dear kitties while living in this home, had a million arguments, worked though our personal demons, danced, cried, drank, sang, and cooked some of the best dinners ever. This wonderful little apartment has been our own little world, we could shut the door on reality and find our own piece of happiness. I honestly wasn’t sure we’d make the first year but we tripled that. I have learned so much while living here. Aaaaaaahhh…its all starting to hit me!


I am on the other hand sooooo excited about having our very own home! Now I will be able to plant a garden, read in a hammock under the trees, and Pippin will have so much space to play and explore. No more walking up and down the dreaded stairs with groceries :)


Today there will be more packing, more moving of smaller items and the apartment will become more and more bare. I will try my best to revel in the change instead of shying away from it, this feels like our time.